On this page:
1.1 First example:   the simplest study
1.1.1 Creating a new file
1.1.2 Writing the simplest study code
1.1.3 Test-driving the simplest study Aside:   one-time connection setup Make an instance and enroll
1.2 Second example:   addings steps and getting input
1.2.1 Being a good provider
1.2.2 Review:   the code so far
1.2.3 Test-driving the age study
1.2.4 Reviewing collected responses
1.3 Wrapping it up

1 Introduction: a quick tour using Conscript🔗

You can follow the steps in this tour to get a fast, high-level introduction to Congame and Conscript:

This will give you a taste of how the system works. You’ll get a sequence of steps to take to try everything out, but not (yet) the reasoning behind them. When you’re ready, you can start reading the Conscript and The Congame Server sections for detailed explanations of the concepts introduced here.

1.1 First example: the simplest study🔗

The best way to learn is by doing, so let’s do!

To follow along on your computer, first follow the instructions in Installing Congame and Conscript.

1.1.1 Creating a new file🔗

Assuming you’ve installed Racket and Conscript, launch the DrRacket application. Start a new file. Click into the top/main area (the "definitions" window) and change the top line to:

#lang conscript

The first line of every Conscript study program starts with #lang conscript.

1.1.2 Writing the simplest study code🔗

Add some lines to your new program, so it looks like this:

#lang conscript
(provide tutorial)
(defstep (start)
    # The Beginning is the End
    This is all there is.
(defstudy tutorial
  [start --> start])

This code defines a step named start, and a study named tutorial, which starts with a single step and ends with a single step.

We’ll get into the specifics later; but at a high level:

1.1.3 Test-driving the simplest study🔗

To try out your study, you’ll need to upload it to a Congame server and enroll in an instance of the study. The Docker container you set up during the initial installation process provides the Congame server for use in testing.

Open the Docker desktop app and press the play ▶️ button for the congame container.

In DrRacket, save the study you created above as "simple.rkt".

Then click the Upload Study button: Aside: one-time connection setup🔗

The very first time you upload a Conscript study from DrRacket, DrRacket will ask you the address of the Congame server to connect to, and then prompt you to log in on that server.

DrRacket assumes the server you want is at http://localhost:5100 that is, is the one running on the Docker container on your computer. No need to change it, so click the Log in button. Log in using the built-in user admin@congame.local with password admin.

If you later want DrRacket to send uploads to a different server, too bad.

Once the login is complete, DrRacket will ask you the name of your study:

DrRacket keeps a cache matching your ".rkt" filenames to study names. You won’t have to re-enter the study name more than once for each file you upload — until you close and reopen DrRacket.

Enter tutorial as shown, since that’s the name we gave our study in the defstudy expression.

At this point, DrRacket will upload your study. Next time you edit and upload this study, you’ll skip past all these steps and the upload will happen as soon as you click the Upload Study button.

Aside over! Make an instance and enroll🔗

Once your study is uploaded, you should see your web browser open to a page titled Instances of tutorial.

Click on the New Instance button. For now, just fill in a value like Instance 1 in the Name field, and leave the rest of the fields at their default values:

Click Create to create an instance of the study.

You’ll be taken back to the study’s instance list, and this time the new instance will appear in the list.

Go back to the Dashboard (link at top) and you’ll see the new instance listed there.

You’ll also see an Enroll link — click it, and you’ll be taken through the study as a participant:

The Beginning is the End
This is all there is.

That right there is your first study! The browser is showing you the first and only step of the study: a page with some formatted text.

1.2 Second example: addings steps and getting input🔗

Of course, to be at all useful, a study must collect information. To do that, we need to give participants a way to interact with our study.

Create a new file in DrRacket (click FileNew, or FileNew Tab according to your preference). Add these lines at the top of your new, empty file:

#lang conscript
(defvar first-name)
(defvar age)

Here, we’ve introduced two defvar expressions. Each one defines a new variable bound to an identifier, in this case first-name and age.

The defvar expression looks similar to “declare a variable” expressions in Python, JavaScript, and other languages. Using defvar tells Conscript that this variable is a key piece of information we want to record from each participant.

Now let’s add steps to our new study. First, we’ll explain to participants what to expect:

(defstep (description)
    # The study
    Welcome to our study. In this study, we will ask for
    * Your first name
    * Your age
    @button{Start Survey}

This looks similar to the step in our first example study — some simple Markdown-formatted text — but contained inside the md expression is a new button expression. This is the first bit of interactivity: giving the participant a way to proceed to the next step. By default, button generates a button that, when clicked, navigates to the next step in the study, whatever that is.

Speaking of which, let’s write the next step! Add these lines to the end of your source file:

(defstep (age-name-survey)
    # Survey
      What is your first name? @(set! first-name (input-text))
      What is your age in years? @(set! age (input-number))

Once again, we’re introducing new expressions inside the md expression to provide functionality as well as explanatory text.

Working from the inside out:

  1. The (input-text) and (input-number) expressions (at the end of the sixth and eighth lines in the code above) generate input boxes where the participant can enter data. There are other expressions that can be used to insert the various other form elements like checkboxes and dropdown lists.

  2. The (set! first-name (input-text)) expression tells Conscript, “when this form is submitted, set the value in the first-name variable to the whatever the user has entered in (input-text).

  3. The submit-button expression inserts the button the user can click to submit all the information they have entered into the form.

  4. All the interactive form elements are wrapped in a form expression to keep them grouped together.

Next, write the final step by adding these lines to the end of your file:

(defstep (thank-you)
    # Good job, @first-name
    Thank you for participating in our survey despite
    being @number->string[age] years old.

We’re doing something else interesting here: we’re inserting our variables directly into the text! We’ve told Conscript to record first-name and age in the previous step of the study; in addition to storing those values for later analysis, we can make use of those values while the user is still participating. There are many ways we might want to do this: in this case, we’re simply displaying the values back to the user.

Note that since we used input-number to assign a value to age, we must use number->string to convert that numeric value to text if we want to display it within md.

Finally, we’ll define the study as a whole by tying all the steps together in a transition graph:

(defstudy simple-survey
  [description --> age-name-survey --> thank-you]
  [thank-you --> thank-you])

We’ve now told Conscript that our study is named simple-survey, and that it consists of three steps description, age-name-survey and thank-you in that order. Because every step must have a transition, even the last one, we add [thank-you --> thank-you] to tell Conscript that that step simply transitions to itself.

1.2.1 Being a good provider🔗

There’s one more thing you need to do: Add a statement at the top of your file, just below the #lang conscript line, to provide the study you just defined:

#lang conscript
(provide simple-survey)
(defvar first-name) ; ...

It’s a good practice to add (provide studyname ...) at the top of your file, where studyname is the identifier used in your defstudy expression.

This line will be needed later when we upload our study to a Congame server. Without it, the server will not be able to access the study bound to the simple-study identifier.

1.2.2 Review: the code so far🔗

Combining all these snippets, the code should look like the below example. Go ahead and save it as "age-survey.rkt".


#lang conscript
(provide simple-survey)
(defvar first-name)
(defvar age)
(defstep (description)
    # The study
    Welcome to our study. In this study, we will ask for
    * Your first name
    * Your age
    @button{Start Survey}
(defstep (age-name-survey)
    # Survey
      What is your first name? @(set! first-name (input-text))
      What is your age in years? @(set! age (input-number))
(defstep (thank-you)
    # Good job, @first-name
    Thank you for participating in our survey despite being
    @number->string[age] years old.
(defstudy simple-survey
  [description --> age-name-survey --> thank-you]
  [thank-you --> thank-you])
1.2.3 Test-driving the age study🔗

Once again, click the Upload Study button in DrRacket, and (if prompted for the study name) enter the name of this new study, simple-survey.

If you receive errors at this point, double check that the contents of "age-survey.rkt" exactly match the contents of the example file shown above. In particular, check that the top line says #lang conscript and that the (provide simple-survey) expression is present in the file.

If all goes well, you’ll be taken to a page titled Instances of simple-survey:

As before, click on New Instance and enter a name for the survey instance — say, Age Instance 1.

Now that you’ve published your study and created an instance for it, you can click on the Dashboard link and see the new instance listed there.

You’ll also see a link titled Enroll — click it!

You should see your web browser open with a page that looks roughly like this:

The study
Welcome to our study. In this study, we will ask for
  • Your first name

  • Your age

Start Survey

Click the Start Survey link/button to proceed to the next step in the survey:

What is your first name?
What is your age in years?

Enter some values in the textboxes and click “Submit”.

For fun, try entering a non-numeric value in the “age” text box. What happens when you click Submit?

This will bring you to the final step in the study:

Good Job, Joel
Thank you for participating in our survey despite being 11 years old.

That’s it! You can see that the values you entered in the previous step have carried over and are being used in the text displayed in this step.

When you upload and run the study on the Congame server, values collected and stored in variables created with defvar and similar forms get recorded in the server’s database and comprise the results of the study.

You’ve now observed a few more basic concepts first-hand:

It’s possible to create much more advanced studies than those we have built so far: studies with conditional branching, a variety of form controls, timers, randomizing assignments, etc. But what you have seen so far gives you the basic framework.

As long as the study instance is in “active” status, other people who log into this same study as participants will see this same study instance and the Enroll link on their dashboard, allowing them to complete the study as well.

1.2.4 Reviewing collected responses🔗

Finally, let’s take a look at what happens to the responses submitted by study participants.

Once you’re done with the study, navigate back to the dashboard. Then click on the Adminsimple-survey (in the list of studies), then on the Age Instance 1 link.

All the way at the bottom, you’ll see a section titled Participants — and you’ll be the first one:

The number under the Participant ID column is a link — go ahead and click on it. You’ll see a detailed listing of your responses to the study:

1.3 Wrapping it up🔗

At this point, you’ve seen all of the essential features of creating studies in Conscript, testing them on a Congame server, and collecting some sample responses.

From here, you should check out the Overview, and then, when you’re ready, dive into the more detailed Conscript guide.