On this page:
4.1 Goals and Philosophy
4.2 Grammar
4.3 How Tos
4.3.1 How to add links
4.3.2 How to display monetary amounts
4.3.3 How to add buttons to jump to various pages
4.3.4 How to have a form input with multiple checkboxes
4.3.5 Displaying results from previous forms
4.3.6 How to add the @ sign on a page
4.3.7 How to add a CSS class to an HTML element
4.3.8 How to add a form with many sliders
4.3.9 How to add a table to a page
4.3.10 How to customize the text of a submit button
4.3.11 How to add blank lines
4.3.12 How to provide error message when wrong radio button is chosen
4.3.13 How to display radio buttons on a single line
4.3.14 Page with dice roll button
4.3.15 How to select a random value from a list of items
4.3.16 How to generate a random number
4.3.17 How to have radio buttons with images
4.3.18 How to add a Radio Button with a button for an Other option
4.3.19 How to have a select button with a default option that cannot be submitted
4.3.20 How to add a timer to a page
4.3.21 How to add a timer that spans multiple pages
4.3.22 How to display a waiting page until some condition is met
4.3.23 How to repeat a task until a timer runs out
4.3.24 How to reuse similar steps with different roles

4 Conscript🔗

4.1 Goals and Philosophy🔗

conscript aims to provide a simpler and streamlined syntax for writing studies compared to congame. There are two dialects of conscript:

Since conscript/with-require provides a mechanism to require arbitrary Racket packages, it has essentially the same power as full congame, while conscript can only require a limited set of libraries and functionality of Racket. Due to these limitations, we can allow such studies to be uploaded to a congame server by users with “researcher” accounts, and be run without requiring access to the code repository. This is not possible (out of security concerns) with conscript/with-require studies.

4.2 Grammar🔗

  definition = (require module ...)
  | (provide id ...)
  | (defvar var-id unique-id-expr)
(defstep (step-id arg-id ...)
  expr ...+)
(defstep/study step-id
  #:study study-expr
(defstudy study-id
  [transition] ...+)
  | racket-definition
  maybe-require-bindings = 
  | #:require-bindings ([local-id parent-id] ...)
  maybe-provide-bindings = 
  | #:provide-bindings ([parent-id local-id] ...)
  maybe-requires = 
  | #:requires [require-id ...]
  maybe-provides = 
  | #:provides [provide-id ...]
  transition = [step-id --> transition]
  | [step-id --> ,done]
  | [step-id --> ,(lambda () expr)]
  | [step-id --> {step-id expr}]

4.3 How Tos🔗

The Tutorial explains how to use conscript. Here we list some How Tos that are not covered in a terse style, providing examples to achieve a given goal without providing the full study around or explaining how it works.

4.3.1 How to add links🔗

To provide a link on a study page, use the anchor tag a:

(defstep (links)
  @md{# Links
      A link to the @a[#:href
      Sometimes you want a link to open in a new tab, so you provide the
      attribute `target` with the value `"_blank"`:
      @a[ #:href
      "https://docs.totalinsightmanagement.com/Conscript_Tutorial.html" #:target
      "_blank" ]{Open conscript tutorial in new tab}}) 
4.3.2 How to display monetary amounts🔗

To display monetary amounts, first require the module conscript/survey-tools which provides ~$ for dollars, ~euro for euros, or ~pound for pounds:

(require conscript/survey-tools)
(define (payments)
  (define bonus 4.25)
  @md{# Bonus
      Your bonus is @(~$ bonus).
4.3.3 How to add buttons to jump to various pages🔗

You may want to have buttons to allow participants to select which page to show next. For example, you might want to allow a participant to go back and change a choice; or while debugging you might want to have a page that allows you to jump to specific parts for quick testing.

Be careful with skipping to a specific page: jumping back to a form will, by default, overwrite the original answer; and skipping to a later part in the study may lead to errors. If you skip a form that would have asked your name, then a later call to (get 'name) will fail due to the key 'name not being found.

Example usage:
(defstep (choose-page)
    # Choose which feature you want to see in action
    1. @button[#:to-step-id 'multiple-checkboxes]{Show Multiple Checkboxes}
    2. @button[#:to-step-id 'display-table]{Table}
    3. @button[#:to-step-id 'generate-random-number]{Generate Random Number}
    4. @button[#:to-step-id 'display-math]{Display Math with Latex: Mathjax}
    5. @button[#:to-step-id 'labeled-submit-button]{Submit button with custom
    6. @button[#:to-step-id 'free-form-forms1]{Free-Form Forms}
    7. @button[#:to-step-id 'vertical-whitespace]{More whitespace between
    The buttons on this page show that you can jump to different pages by
    providing a `#:to-step-id` argument to `button`.

This page assumes that there are steps called 'multiple-checkboxes, 'generate-random-number, and so on.

4.3.4 How to have a form input with multiple checkboxes🔗

The default checkbox provides a single checkbox. You may want to provide multiple options at once, allowing a person to choose one or more options. You can do so with make-multiple-checkboxes from the conscript/survey-tools library. Here is an example of a form to choose between four options, "a" to "d" and how to include it in the form. For #:multiple-checkboxes-1, any number of checkboxes can be selected, for #:multiple-checkboxes-2 a person has to select 2 or more checkboxes.

; First, we require the library that provides make-multiple-checkboxes
(require conscript/survey-tools)
(defstep (multiple-checkboxes)
  (define opts
    '((a . "Option a")
      (b . "Option b")
      (c . "Option c")
      (letter-d . "Option d")))
    # Form with Multiple Checkboxes
      @binding[#:multiple-checkboxes-1 @make-multiple-checkboxes[opts]]
      @binding[#:multiple-checkboxes-2 @make-multiple-checkboxes[opts #:n 2]]

We have to use the special form binding and pass it the name of the field, followed by a call to make-multiple-checkboxes, which needs to receive a list of options. Here we define the list of options earlier to make the code more readable. Note that if a person checks "Option a" and "Option d", then the list '(a letter-d) will be stored in the database — so you can call the options any names that make sense to you, independent of the label that participants see.

4.3.5 Displaying results from previous forms🔗

By default, the form inputs store the value they are passed in under the ID that you provide: so a field @input-number[#:a-number] will store the value provided under the key 'a-number, which you can get via (get 'a-number). In order to display it on the page, you have to make sure that you convert it to a string first, which you can do with ~a.

Here is an example of a page that displays the values of several forms. Note that the second argument to get defines the default value that should be returned if no value with the given key is found. So while (get 'a-number) will throw an error if the key 'a-number is not found, (get 'a-number 0) will return the value 0 if no such key is found. You should use this feature only if there is a genuine reason why the key is not found: for example if people in one treatment are asked the question. Otherwise it is better to throw the error, which alerts you to the fact that something doesn’t work as you expected.

(defstep (display-results)
  (define checkboxes
    (~a (get 'multiple-checkboxes '())))
  (define free-form
     (get 'n-required #f))
  (define twice-free-form
    (if free-form (* 2 free-form) "no value provided"))
  (define radios-with-other
    (get 'radios-with-other #f))
    # Results so far
    1. Result from `Multiple Checkboxes`: @checkboxes
    2. Twice the result from `Free-Form Forms`: @(~a twice-free-form)
    3. Radios with other: @(~a radios-with-other)
4.3.6 How to add the @ sign on a page🔗

Write @"@". For example:

(define (step-with-email)
  @md{# My Email
      My email is kaufmannm@"@"ceu.edu.})

Explanation: If you tried to include an email or otherwise type the @ symbol, you will have noticed that it leads to strange behavior. The reason is that the @ symbol stands for "Here is some Racket code". Thus kaufmannm@ceu.edu will be interpreted as the string kaufmannm followed by find the value bound to the variable ceu.edu, which will lead to an error message unless you defined ceu.edu. By writing @"@" you say that you want to include the code "@", which is simply the string "@", which is what you want.

4.3.7 How to add a CSS class to an HTML element🔗


(defstep (stylish-page)
      .message {
        color: red;
    # Stylish Page
    A normal paragraph.
    @p[#:class "message"]{This paragraph has a class of "message" which you can

In this example, we create two paragraphs. The first one is created implicitly. The second one we have to define explicitly, so that we can add a class to it via @p[#:class "message"]{...}.

Adding a class allows us to select this element in our CSS, here via the style tag. Here we select every element with class "message" with the CSS class selector: a dot (’.’) followed by the name of the class, here ".message". Then inside of curly braces, we set all the CSS properties we want to apply to this class.

Most formatting can be achieved with the right CSS with the help of Google, ChatGPT, or — for classroom assignments — Slack.

4.3.8 How to add a form with many sliders🔗

A page with two sliders that don’t display its value but can be dragged around — the default range is from 0 to 100, but you can change it with the keyword arguments #:min and #:max:

(define (simple-slider)
  @md{# A single slider
          @input-range[#:slider-1]{How much do you like this slider?}
          @input-range[#:slider-2 #:min 95 #:max 100]{No really, how much do you
          like it?}

Often, you want to display the current value of a slider as it is dragged around. conscript/survey-tools provides a simple script called slider-js that you can load, which looks for every div with the class slider, and then connects the current value of the input-range with the output element inside of that div. Here is how to use it, which requires adding slider-js somewhere on the page (here at the top):

(define (slider-with-value-displayed)
      # Slider with Value Displayed
        @div[#:class "slider"]{
          @input-range[#:slider-1] @span{Value: @output{}}
        @div[#:class "slider"]{
          @input-range[#:slider-2] @span{Value: @output{}}

The important part here is that there is an input-range and an output inside of a div with the class "slider", slider-js takes care of the rest.

Finally, we may want to give our participants some work, having them set 48 sliders all at once. conscript/survey-tools provides make-multiple-checkboxes for this purpose (with limited ability to change the formatting):

(define (many-many-sliders)
  @md{# More sliders than you can handle

One big downside of the current sliders is that you cannot add any other fields to the form - it’s sliders only. The values are stored with the keys "slider-0" to "slider-47".

We can however customize the sliders by passing a function that customizes the part that displays the slider itself:

(define (many-many-sliders-with-random-starting-point)
  (define (make-custom-slider _)
    (define start-value (random 100))
    @input-range[#:attributes `([value ,start-value])])
  @md{# More sliders than you can handle
      @make-sliders[10 make-custom-slider]
(define (many-many-customized-sliders-with-increasing-starting-point)
  (define (make-custom-slider i)
    (define r (* 2 (random 50 100)))
      #:max r
      #:attributes `([value ,(~a (* 10 i))]
                     [style ,(format "width: ~apx" r)])
  @md{# More sliders than you can handle
      @make-sliders[10 make-custom-slider]

Thus we pass in a function that creates a slider, here called make-custom-slider. This function must take a single argument i,which is the index of the slider to create. Our first version doesn’t use this index, since we create a random starting value for the slider. Our second version uses the index, using ten times the index as the starting value, and also varies the total range, which we use to also set the width of via the "style" attribute.

4.3.9 How to add a table to a page🔗
(defstep (table-step)
  @md{# A table
      A manual table:
            @th{Animal} @th{Legs}}}
            @td{Dog} @td{4}}
            @td{Spider} @td{8}}}}
    A table with generated rows:
          @th{Animal} @th{Legs}}}
        (for/list ([animal '("Dog" "Spider" "Cat" "Fish" "Human" "Ant")]
                   [legs '(4 8 4 0 2 6)])
          @tr{@td{@animal} @td{@(~a legs)}}))}

Note that the numbers in legs have to be converted to strings, or else you will get errors.

4.3.10 How to customize the text of a submit button🔗
(defstep (labeled-submit-button)
    # Submit Button with Custom Label
      There is no field here to fill in. What a form.
      @submit-button/label{A Custom Label for Submissions!}}
4.3.11 How to add blank lines🔗
(defstep (vertical-whitespace)
    # More Vertical Whitespace
    Let us add more more whitespace after this.
    Lots of it.
      In `html`, you do it via the `br` tag.
      See? Easy.
    @button{Back to Choice Page}})
4.3.12 How to provide error message when wrong radio button is chosen🔗

You will need to require conscript/survey-tools to use is-equal.

(require conscript/survey-tools)
(define (radio-with-error)
  @md{# Radio with Error
      The correct answer to the next radio button is "Option C", try it out by
      picking first another option:
          '(("a" . "Option A")
            ("b" . "Option B")
            ("c" . "Option C"))
          #:validators (list (is-equal "c" #:message "Wrong answer, LOL!!!"))
        ]{The correct option is C - but try something else first maybe!}
4.3.13 How to display radio buttons on a single line🔗

Wrap the radios in a div with class "radio-horizontal":

(define (radio-horizontal)
  @md{# Radio with Horizontal Buttons
        @div[#:class "radio-horizontal"]{
            '(("a" . "Option A")
              ("b" . "Option B")
              ("c" . "Option C"))
          ]{Choose Horizontally}}
4.3.14 Page with dice roll button🔗

Example with some custom CSS for the button:

(require conscript/survey-tools)
(defstep (diceroll)
        .diceroll > .button {
          width: 5rem;
          display: inline-block;
      # Diceroll
      @div[#:class "diceroll"]{
        @a[#:class "button" #:href ""]{Roll}
      @button{Go Back}
4.3.15 How to select a random value from a list of items🔗

Consider the following study that elicits in steps 1, 2, and 3 how many tasks a participant is willing to do for $2, $3, and $4 and then on the final page we pick one of these choices randomly as the choice to implement and then asks the participant to do those tasks. In addition, let’s assume that the completion fee is $1 by default.

#lang conscript
(require racket/list
(define completion-fee 1.00)
(defstep (welcome)
  (define (initialize)
    (put 'payments '(2 3 4)))
  @md{# Welcome
(defstep (how-many-tasks)
  (define payments
    (get 'payments))
  (define payment
    (first payments))
  (define (on-submit #:n-tasks n-tasks)
    (define old-answers
      (get 'answers '()))
    (put 'answers
           (list payment n-tasks)
    (put 'payments
         (rest payments)))
  @md{# Tasks
      @form[#:action on-submit]{
        @input-number[#:n-tasks #:min 0 #:max 40]{@md*{How many tasks are you
        willing to do for @(~a payment)?}}
(define (initialize-tasks)
  (put 'remaining-tasks (get 'tasks-that-count)))
(define (display-payment)
  (define maybe-choice-that-counts
    (get 'choice-that-counts #f))
  (define choice-that-counts
    (cond [maybe-choice-that-counts
           (define r
             (random-ref (get 'answers)))
           (put 'choice-that-counts r)
  (define payment-that-counts
    (first choice-that-counts))
  (define tasks-that-count
    (second choice-that-counts))
  (put 'payment-that-counts payment-that-counts)
  (put 'tasks-that-count tasks-that-count)
  @md{# The Chosen Payment
      The following choice was picked randomly picked as the choice that counts:
      - Tasks to do: @(~a tasks-that-count)
      - Payment: @(~a payment-that-counts)
      @button[initialize-tasks]{Continue to tasks}
(define (tasks)
  (define n
    (get 'tasks-that-count))
  ; Starting point for slider
  (define s
    (number->string (random 100)))
      # Do @n Slider Tasks
        @div[#:class "slider"]{
            #:attributes `([value ,s])
        ] @span{Value: @output{}}
(define (process-submission)
  (define answer
     (get 'slider))
  (define old-score
    (get 'score 0))
  (define new-score
    (if (= answer 50)
      (add1 old-score)
  (put 'score new-score)
  (put 'remaining-tasks
       (sub1 (get 'remaining-tasks)))
(define (end)
  (define payment
    (get 'payment-that-counts))
  (define total-payment
    (+ payment completion-fee))
  (define score
    (get 'score))
  @md{# The End
      Thanks, you will receive the payment of @(~pound total-payment).
      You got @(~a score) tasks right.})
(defstudy several-payments-random-task
  [welcome --> how-many-tasks
           --> ,(lambda ()
                  (if (null? (get 'payments))
  [display-payment --> ,(lambda ()
                          (if (> (get 'tasks-that-count) 0) 'tasks 'end))]
  [tasks --> process-submission
         --> ,(lambda ()
                (if (> (get 'remaining-tasks) 0)
  [end --> end])
4.3.16 How to generate a random number🔗

A naive way to generate a random number and display it to a user is by generating it at the start of the page and displaying it. The problem with this approach is that every time the user refreshes the page, a new number is generated, which is often not what you want, since then users can refresh until they get the number they want.

If we only want to generate the number once, we should generate it only the first time and then store it, say, with the key 'r-once. If we do this, then every time we visit the page, we check whether the number already was stored. If so, then we display this value again; if not, then this is the first time the user visits this page, so we generate it randomly.

To do this, we use (get 'r-once (add1 (random 6))). This attempts to get 'r-once, but if this is not found, then it returns a new random value instead. We then store this value, so that on the next refresh of the page, the call to get is successful.

The study below generates two random numbers: one that changes upon every refresh, one that gets generated once and stays constant across refreshes.

#lang conscript
(require racket/random)
(defstep (generate-random-number)
  (define r
    ; (random n) generates a random integer from 0 to n-1, so we need to `add1`
    ; to get a random draw from 1 to 6 inclusive.
    (add1 (random 6)))
  ; This stores the new value in the DB and overwrites the old.
  (put 'refreshed-random r)
  (define maybe-value
    (get 'r-once #f))
  (define r-once
    ; If maybe-value is not #f, then maybe-value is the random number.
    ; Otherwise, generate a new one.
    (if maybe-value maybe-value (add1 (random 6))))
  (unless maybe-value
    (put 'r-once r-once))
    # Generate a Random Number
    - The value of `r` is: @(~a r)
    - The value of `r-once` is: @(~a r-once)
    If you refresh the page, the value of `r` will change, while the value of
    `r-once` will not. You usually don't want it to change based on the refresh.
    @button{Back to Choice}
4.3.17 How to have radio buttons with images🔗

Suppose that you have two images in the folder ""img/"" and you upload a study as a zip file. Then the following code will add images next to the radio buttons:

(require racket/match)
(define style-img-radio
    .img-radio {
      display: inline-block;
    .img-radio img {
      display: block;
    .img-radio label {
      text-align: center;
      display: block;
    .job-description {
      text-align: center;
(define-static-resource path-to-image-a "img/job-a.png")
(define-static-resource path-to-image-b "img/job-b.png")
(defstep (radio-with-images)
  (define (render-proc options make-radio)
    (apply div #:class "img-radio"
           (for/list ([opt options])
             (match-define (list value res job empl years) opt)
                    #:alt (format "an image for option ~a" value)
                    #:src (resource-uri res)
                  @div[#:class "job-description"]{
                  @(make-radio value)})))
      # Radios with Images
            `((a ,path-to-image-a "Job Title A" "Employer A" "Years: A")
              (b ,path-to-image-b "Job Title B" "Employer B" "Years: B"))
4.3.18 How to add a Radio Button with a button for an Other option🔗

The following displays radio buttons for the options "A", "B", and "Other", providing a text-input for "Other". Moreover, if the input for "Other" is filled in, then the radio button for "Other" is automatically selected.

(defstep (radios-with-other-choice)
  @md{# Radios with "other" choice
                     (make-radios-with-other '((a . "A")
                                               (b . "B")))]
4.3.19 How to have a select button with a default option that cannot be submitted🔗

To have a default option for a select button that cannot be selected, provide it as the first option with value "" and the desired display value, here "–Please choose an option–":

(defstep (sele
  @md{# Select with Default
                '((""  . "--Please choose an option--")
                 ("1" . " 1 ")
                 ("2" . " 2 ")
                 ("3" . " 3 "))
        ]{Please choose an option}
4.3.20 How to add a timer to a page🔗

We can add a timer to a page by using timer from the conscript/survey-tools library. Once the timer ends, it automatically clicks the first submit button on the page; or if no submit button is found, it clicks the first next button.

(require conscript/survey-tools)
(defstep (timer-display)
  @md{# Page with Timer clicking Next
      After 10 seconds, this page will automatically move on.
(defstep (timer-form)
  @md{# Page with Timer clicking Submit
      After 11 seconds, this page will automatically submit however many sliders
      have been completed:
(defstep (timer-hidden)
        #timer {
          display: none;
      # Page with Hidden Timer
      After 8 seconds, this page moves on, but you don't see the timer. This is
      done using CSS, so it's easy.
4.3.21 How to add a timer that spans multiple pages🔗

The following timer will pick up where it left off on the previous page. To do so, we store the end time in the database and at the start of each page with a timer, we compute how many seconds are left until this time and start a new timer with the appropriate remaining seconds left. Note that you have to require the gregor library for now/moment and other time-related functions.

#lang conscript
(require gregor)
(define (set-timer)
   (+seconds (now/moment) 10)))
(defstep (launch-timer)
  @md{# Launch Timer
      Once you click "Next", the timer starts and you have 30 seconds to
      complete the next 3 pages.
(defstep ((timer-page i))
  (define seconds-left
       (get 'the-timer)))))
  ; If there is less than 1 sec left, we might have skipped the earlier
  ; page so we don't display it anymore. This is to avoid some weird
  ; effects.
  (cond [(< seconds-left 1)
         @md{# Timer Page @(~a i)
             Check the time!
(define (final-page)
  @md{# Final Page
      You made it till the end.})
(defstudy multi-page-timer
  [launch-timer --> [first-page (timer-page 1)]
                --> [second-page (timer-page 2)]
                --> [third-page (timer-page 3)]
                --> final-page])
4.3.22 How to display a waiting page until some condition is met🔗

Suppose that we want to let a person move on only once some condition is met, such as that the study is open. Here we will use the condition that the participant can move on only 10 seconds after landing on the page for the first time - until then, they simply see a waiting message. We use refresh-every from survey-tools for this:

(require conscript/survey-tools
(defstep (waiting)
  (define wait-until
    (get 'wait-until (+seconds (now/moment) 10)))
  (put 'wait-until wait-until)
  (cond [(moment>=? (now/moment) wait-until)
         @md{# Please Wait
             Your patience is appreciated.}]))
(defstep (wait-is-over)
  @md{# The Wait is Over
(defstudy wait-study
  [waiting --> wait-is-over])
4.3.23 How to repeat a task until a timer runs out🔗
(require gregor
(define ((set-timer n))
   (+seconds (now/moment) n)))
(defstep ((launch-timer [n 10]))
  @md{# Launch Timer
      Once you click "Next", the timer starts and you have @(~a n) seconds.
      @button[(set-timer n)]{Next}})
(defstep (task-step)
  (define seconds-remaining
    (seconds-between (now/moment) (get 'the-timer)))
  (when (<= seconds-remaining 0)
  (define (on-submit #:slider slider)
    (define old-answers
      (get 'sliders '()))
    (put 'sliders
  @md{# Do a Task
      @form[#:action on-submit]{
        @div[#:class "slider"]{
          @input-range[#:slider] @span{Value: @output{}}
(defstep (final)
  @md{# The End})
(defstudy multi-page-timer-with-tasks
  [[launching (launch-timer 20)] --> task-step
                                 --> ,(lambda ()
                                        (define the-timer (get 'the-timer))
                                        (cond [(moment>=? the-timer (now/moment))
4.3.24 How to reuse similar steps with different roles🔗
#lang conscript
(require conscript/survey-tools)
(define (randomize-treatments)
   (list 'control 'treatment)))
(define (randomize-game-roles)
   (list 'role1 'role2)
   #:treatments-key 'game-roles
   #:role-key       'game-role))
(define (assign-roles)
(defstep ((same-page i))
 # Same Page @(~a i)
 Your role is @(~a (get 'game-role)).
(defstep (final-page)
 # Final Page
(defstep ((treatment-page i))
  (define treatment
    (~a (get 'role)))
  (define role
    (~a (get 'game-role)))
 # @(string-titlecase treatment) Page @(~a i)
 - Your treatment is: @treatment
 - Your role is: @role
(defstudy randomized-study
  [assign-roles --> [same-page1 (same-page 1)]
   --> [treatment-page1 (treatment-page 1)]
   --> [same-page2 (same-page 2)]
   --> [treatment-page2 (treatment-page 2)]
   --> final-page]
  [final-page --> final-page])