On this page:
3.4.1 How to add links
3.4.2 How to display monetary amounts

3.4 Conscript Cookbook🔗

What follows are a bunch of “recipes” or how-tos that explain how to accomplish common tasks when writing Conscript studies.

These how-tos don’t directly explain everything, but they do give links to more information, including the links in the code samples themselves.

3.4.1 How to add links🔗

To provide a link on a study page, use the anchor tag a:

(defstep (links)
  @md{# Links
      A link to the @a[#:href "https://example.com/"]{another site}.
      Sometimes you want a link to open in a new tab, so you provide the
      attribute `target` with the value `"_blank"`:
      @a[#:href "https://example.com" #:target "_blank"]{Open in new tab}
3.4.2 How to display monetary amounts🔗

To display monetary amounts, first require the module conscript/survey-tools which provides ~$ for dollars, ~euro for euros, or ~pound for pounds:

(require conscript/survey-tools)
(define (payments)
  (define bonus 4.25)
  @md{# Bonus
      Your bonus is @(~$ bonus).